80% Soluble Yeast Beta Glucan Powder Bulk

80% Soluble Yeast Beta Glucan Powder Bulk

Product Name:Soluble Yeast Beta Glucan Powder Bulk 


Active Ingredients:Beta Glucan 


Testing Method:UV

Appearance:White or Yellowish Powder

Pesticide Residue:Comply with (EC) No 396/2005 Standard

  • Description
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  • What is Yeast Beta Glucan Powder Bulk?

    Beta glucan is a naturally occurring long-chain carbohydrate known as a polysaccharide, which is found mainly in yeast, fungi, bacteria, and plants, including seaweed.


    Yeast beta glucan powder consists of β-(1-3)-monoglucan and β-(1-6)-monoglucan in the ratio of 85:15. Yeast beta glucan has a helical molecular structure due to its special bonding pattern and the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, which makes its unique conformation easily accepted by the immune system. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the immunomodulatory mechanism of yeast ß-glucan is its ability to bind specifically to animal and human immune cells (including monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells). It produces immune activity by stimulating lymphocytes and activating macrophages in animals.


    Green Spring Technology supplies 80% Soluble Yeast Beta Glucan Powder Bulk, good water solubility, fully water soluble, clarified, and translucent after dissolved in water, with no precipitation. Green Spring has passed Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, and many other certifications. We have a systematic quality management system, strictly implement the quality management system, and organize production according to ISO, HACCP, and other quality standards.


    Green Spring has a rigorous internal quality control process to ensure that quality standards are met. Each production step in the production process is monitored and tested to ensure that the production process is compliant and meets the requirements of the relevant countries. Each product is tested to ensure that it meets the high standards of the European Union, the United States, Southeast Asia, and other markets.



    Product Name

    Yeast Beta Glucan Powder

    CAS No.




    Testing Method



    White or Yellowish Powder

    Pesticide Residue

    Comply with (EC) No 396/2005 Standard



    It conforms to EU regulations.

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    Immune Enhancement

    The mitogenic activity of yeast beta glucan powder, a hexavalent bond structure, assists immune cells in multiple ways. This includes increasing natural killer cell activity and T-cell mediated cytotoxicity, enhancing the proliferative response of peripheral monocytes to produce schizonts, stimulating the release of interleukins, and inducing phagocytosis by neutrophils. These effects it can effectively enhance the human immune system, improve the body's immunity, and bring the autoimmune system to an optimal state of balance. Czap of Harvard University's International School of Biochemistry says dextran makes these immune cells an "arsenal of defense".


    Cholesterol Reduction

    When beta yeast glucan powder enters the human body, its unique triple helix structure determines that it will not be hydrolyzed into monosaccharides such as glucose in the gastrointestinal tract (therefore it does not affect diabetic patients who take beta-1, 3 and 1, 6-glucan), but rather binds to a specific receptor. It acts through cytosis (or cytotoxicity) and eventually crosses the intestinal epithelium and enters the lymphatic system, from which it passes into the blood system.


    Cholesterol in the liver is converted to bile acids, which reach the small intestine to aid in the digestion of fats, and then the bile acids are absorbed by the small intestine back into the liver to be converted back into cholesterol. Since yeast dextran, as a dietary fiber, forms a gelatinous substance in the small intestine that surrounds the bile acids, the bile acids cannot pass through the wall of the small intestine and be absorbed back into the liver. Instead, it is excreted through the digestive tract, so when bile acid is needed for the digestion of food in the intestines, the liver can only absorb cholesterol from the blood to replenish the depleted bile acid, thus lowering the cholesterol in the blood.


    Regulates Blood Sugar

    Yeast Beta Glucan (specific structure) protects and repairs pancreatic beta-cells (also known as pancreatic B-cells, which make up about 70% of the total number of pancreatic islet cells, secreting insulin and acting as a regulator of blood sugar levels). Yeast beta glucan powder can stimulate the spleen related mould substances, regulating insulin secretion. To achieve the effect of balancing blood sugar beta glucan's high viscosity and gelling properties to increase the gastric mucosal barrier effect, and inhibit sugar metabolism.


    Tumour Growth Inhibition

    Beta-glucan enhances the growth of three important cell growth inhibitors (type II interleukins, alpha tumour necrosis factor, gamma interferon). Activates macrophages/neutrophilic leukocytes, the first line of defence against bacterial, fungal, and some viral infections and cancer. Cell growth inhibitors, play an important role in the biological processes and the bioregulation of the host host's defence response. Its neutrophilic leukocyte killing potency is increased by 20-50 times, making it the most effective form of non-specific immunostimulation and the primary target of β-glucan stimulation.


    Yeast Beta Glucan powder binds to beta glucan receptors located within the membrane of phagocytes by activating macrophage phagocytosis. This in turn activates cellular immune factors, initiates the immune response process, and activates T and B cells. Enhance the defence function of the immune system and improve immunodeficiency. Improve the ability to kill tumour cells, promote tumour regression, so that autoimmune diseases can be reborn. β-Glucan can inhibit the proliferation of malignant cells and induce their apoptosis, without affecting the body's normal cellular function of the substance.


    In the Food Field:

    In 2009, the US FDA approved yeast beta glucan as a GRAS food ingredient. in 2010, China's State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) approved yeast beta glucan as a new food ingredient. in 2011, the European Union (EU) approved yeast β-glucan as a food ingredient, and in 2012, the SFDA expanded the application of yeast β-glucan to include larger infant formulas.


    Yeast Beta Glucan powder has a high viscosity, water-holding, and emulsification stability, and is often used in the food industry as a thickener, water-holding agent, and emulsifier in food products such as sauces and desserts. Replacing fat with yeast dextran in meat products can provide low-fat meat products with smooth and rich texture, as well as improve the crispness and hardness of meat products.


    In Cosmetics:

    Yeast Beta Glucan powder can be used as an ingredient in skin care, shampoo, bath and sun care products for its moisturizing, repairing and anti-infective properties.

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